Test Prep Testimonials

What our students and parents are saying about us! 

Connor D.


Thanks for all of your help. Connor’s ACT score went up five points from June to October. He has been accepted into the college of his choice: the University of Kentucky!

Colin W.


I really appreciate all your help and sessions were enjoyable. My composite scores went up from 28 to 31 on the ACT in just two months! I’m heading to George Washington University to study law. Thanks again! 

Xavier F.


I appreciate your support! Xavier doesn’t sound defeated anymore. He actually was very excited to tell me about his progress on the SAT (he improved his composite score from 950 to 1150)! He will be attending the University of North Texas this fall!

Gabe M.


I struggled to find a SAT tutor for my child and posted on a community board. Adam responded quickly and was well versed and very friendly. Adam tutored my child virtually and even with the time change, he was always prompt! After every session, Adam sent over a detailed email on my child’s progress. I fully recommend Adam for any student!

Avery B.


Avery got a score of 27 on her ACT,  which was a three point improvement from her last test. Not bad for only a month of tutoring sessions! Thanks for all of your assistance and dedication!

Noah S.


I finally got my SAT test results back yesterday and I received an 1130, which was almost 200 points higher than my last test! I felt confident about the SAT test and used all of the strategies you taught me. Thank you so much for everything!

Arath S.


I appreciate all of your help in tutoring for the SAT. My score went up almost 200 points from a 1200 to a 1380! Again, thank you for your dedication in reviewing the skills I needed to be successful!

Cole S.


Adam is a terrific tutor! I looked forward to each session. Not only did my understanding of math concepts go up for the ACT, but so did my school grades as well! Thanks to him, I got a scholarship to attend Ole Miss! 

Stella W.


I made a 1370 on my last SAT and a superstore of 1400, which qualifies me for the scholarships I applied for! Thank you for all of your help. I definitely improved on the SAT, especially the verbal sections of the test!

Subject Tutoring Testimonials

What our students and parents are saying about us! 

Mitchell S.


Thanks to your tutoring help in both math and science, Mitch got grades of “A”s and “B”s last semester! We sincerely appreciate all of your assistance during the tutoring sessions and recommend you to other students who really need  help in their schoolwork!

John S.


Adam is an excellent tutor! He is patient, encouraging, and an energetic guy who is helping my son tremendously in both algebra and trigonometry. My son is more confident in his work and studies. Thanks for the continued help!

Hailey G.


Thanks to Adam, Hailey not only understands both algebra and geometry better, but is doing very well on her assessments each week! We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to our daughter in math and look forward to seeing more high grades in math classes in the future!

Luca S.


Adam has been my violin teacher for five years. During that time, I have grown so much as a musician and made many achievements. I have participated in ILMEA District 7 (as both a junior and senior), served as the concertmaster in most of the orchestras I have been a part of, and received music scholarships from colleges. I truly appreciate his dedication and guidance and don’t think I could have gotten this far without him. Thank you Adam!